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© 2025 SURF
Background: An adaptation of multisystemic therapy (MST) was piloted to find out whether it would yield better outcomes than standard MST in families where the adolescent not only shows antisocial or delinquent behaviour, but also has an intellectual disability. Method: To establish the comparative effectiveness of MST‐ID (n = 55) versus standard MST (n = 73), treatment outcomes were compared at the end of treatment and at 6‐month follow‐up. Pre‐treatment differences were controlled for using the propensity score method. Results: Multisystemic therapy‐ID resulted in reduced police contact and reduced rule breaking behaviour that lasted up to 6 months post‐treatment. Compared to standard MST, MST‐ID more frequently resulted in improvements in parenting skills, family relations, social support, involvement with pro‐social peers and sustained positive behavioural changes. At follow‐up, more adolescents who had received MST‐ID were still living at home. Conclusions: These results support further development of and research into the MST‐ID adaptation.
Er is in onderzoek nog relatief weinig aandacht voor de individuele en contextuele factoren en de daarbij behorende zorgbehoeften van residentieel opgenomen jeugdigen die op licht verstandelijk beperkt (LVB) of zwakbegaafd (ZB) niveau functioneren. De resultaten van dit exploratief dossieronderzoek kunnen een bijdrage leveren aan de doorontwikkeling van een individueel en contextueel hulpaanbod voor deze jeugdigen en hun gezinnen. Bij een relatief grote groep (63%) van de in dit onderzoek betrokken jeugdigen speelden problemen op zowel kind-, ouder-, gezins- als omgevingsniveau een rol. De spreiding in het aantal kenmerken liet zien dat er bij veel jeugdigen die op een LVB of ZB niveau functioneerden én hun gezinnen sprake was van een grote diversiteit aan en opeenstapeling van problemen. Dit vraagt om een op het systeem afgestemde, multidisciplinaire en traumasensitieve aanpak.
This thesis focuses on the effectiveness of a family-centered approach (in Dutch “DMOprotocol”, further referred to as the family-centered approach), designed for monitoring and enhancing children’s social-emotional development in Preventive Child Healthcare (PCH). The effectiveness study took place at a Dutch PCH organization (Icare JGZ). In a quasi-experimental design, regions in which the family-centered approach had already been implemented (northern and southeastern part of Drenthe) were compared to regions in which care-as-usual had been maintained (northern part of Overijssel). The aim was to assess the added value of the family-centered approach from different perspectives. Therefore several research questions were answered in analyses that arereported in different chapters of this thesis.