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This article draws on Robinson, McNeill and Maruna’s argument (2012) about the adaptability of community sanctions and measures, observed through four distinctive penal narratives, in order to shed light on the regional development of community service in Wroclaw, Poland. While the managerial adaptation of community sanctions is underpinned by an inter-agency cooperation to fulfil the goals of the system, the contemporary rehabilitation iteration has become a toolkit of measures predominantly phrased around risk management, the reparative discourse seeks various means to repair harm, and the punitive orientation represent the turn to desert-based and populist sentencing frameworks. In this article, the first three are reflected upon along with the emerging, restorative adaptation of community sanctions. The last one is added to expand on the findings of previous research, which suggests the viability of the restorative orientation for community service in Poland (Matczak, 2018). A brief discussion of how punishment, probation and restorative justice can be reconciled is followed by the introduction of Polish Probation and the role of probation officers in delivering community service in Poland. Although the penal narratives are visible in the Wrocław model to different degrees and in various combinations, more research is required to evaluate the viability of a progressive orientation to punishment during a gradual optimisation of community orders. Originally published: Anna Matczak, The penal narratives of community sentence and the role of probation: The case of the Wrocław model of community service, European journal of probation (Vol. 13 nr. 1) pp. 72-88. Copyright © 2021year (The Author). DOI: 10.1177/2066220320976105
Het onderzoek in het artikel is geïnspireerd door de casus 'platooning' uit de Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge. Er is een PreScan®/Sumulink® model opgesteld met daarin twee auto's. De voorste auto volgt een vastgesteld snelheidsprofiel, de tweede auto volgt de eerste auto waarbij de tweede auto de snelheid van de eerste meet met behulp van een AIR-sensor. De besturing van het gaspedaal in beide auto's vindt plaats met Fuzzy Logic Control in plaats van met een klassieke regelaar. Concluderend mag worden gesteld dat in dit verkennend onderzoek gebleken is dat de Fuzzy Logic Control techniek in principe werkt.
This paper focuses on the use of discrete event simulation (DES) as a decision support tool for airport land use development. As a study case, Querétaro Airport (Mexico) is used, due to its rapid growth and the different services it offers. The SIMIO® software was used to carry out a macro-level simulation of the airport’s processes, considering generic process times, flight types and demand schedules. The resulting strategic simulation model can be used to diagnose the current growth situation, analyse the airport's growth potential, and evaluate different expansion scenarios using the available land, including the expansion of the terminal building, cargo operations or MRO. The arrival and departure of aircraft (commercial, cargo, maintenance, aviation school and private aviation) at the airport were simulated to detect bottlenecks for different expansion scenarios, that aim to find an optimal balance between the growth options in the different airport grounds. The objective is to compare the potential growth of different layout expansion possibilities. Preliminary results indicate that land use options have a great impact on the growth potential of the airport and some general aviation activities, such as the aviation school, are interfering with the potential growth of other activities at Querétaro Airport.
De retailsector verandert diepgaand en structureel. Door ontwikkelingen in technologie, sociaal-culturele en demografische trends en ook door veranderingen binnen het domein van retail zelf, staan veel ondernemingen en andere stakeholders, zoals gemeenten, de vastgoedsector en toeleveranciers van het winkelbedrijf voor belangrijke uitdagingen. Dit veld vormt een belangrijk onderzoeksthema van praktijkgericht onderzoek van lectoraten binnen het Hoger Beroepsonderwijs. Dat is nu nog versnipperd, maar kan en kracht en relevantie winnen bij samenwerking. Het lectorenplatform Retail Innovation beoogt door middel van bundeling en gecoördineerde en deels gezamenlijke uitvoering van nieuw praktijkgericht retail onderzoek door de lectoren in het HBO een betere gestructureerde bijdrage leveren aan de noodzakelijke innovatie in de retailsector in Nederland, in het bijzonder op basis van de nationale retail(onderzoeks)agenda. Vanuit die bundeling de verbinding leggen met de retailsector, samen met geassocieerde partners zoals TKI CLICKNL, belangstellende universiteiten en relevante organisaties en vertegenwoordigers van de retailsector om de doorwerking van bevindingen en resultaten verder te versterken.