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In the psychological field, a lot of progress has been made in values theory. In marketing theory, however, the use of values has been undervalued. Despite the widespread managerial use of brand values, attention has remained focused on the brand personality concept. This book intends to provide a new perspective to marketing science, by proposing a system of brand values that takes into account the developments in values theory. Values were tested in a number of rounds among a total of more than 3,000 respondents in the Netherlands and several other countries including Germany, Italy, and China.In this study, values that motivate consumer behavior were demonstrated to relate to each other as a consistent value system, labelled here as the Value Compass. We showed that the values with which brands profile themselves can be organized according to a similar structure as the human value system, which opens additional insights into the use of values to position brands, or to predict brand choice. The cross-cultural validation included in this book showed a high degree of equivalence of the Value Compass. This validation provided insight in the cross-cultural similarities in the structure of the value system, but it also emphasized the cross-cultural differences in priorities that individuals attach to certain values.
Recent developments in digital technology and consumer culture have created new opportunities for retail and brand event concepts which create value by offering more than solely marketing or transactions, but rather a place where passion is shared. This chapter will define the concept of ‘fashion space’ and consumer experience, and delves into strategies for creating experiences that both align with a brand’s ethos and identity and build brand communities. It will provide insight on creating strong shared brand experiences that integrate physical and digital spaces, AR and VR. These insights can be used for consumer spaces but also for media and buyer events, runway shows, test labs and showrooms. Since its launch in 2007, international fashion brand COS has focused on creating fashion spaces that build and reinforce a COS fashion community. COS retail stores with their extraordinary architecture, both traditional and contemporary, contribute stories and facilitate intense brand experiences. Moreover, COS’ dedication to share the artistic inspirations of its people led to collaborating on interactive and multi-sensory installations which allow consumers to affectively connect to the brand’s personality and values. Thus, the brand was able to establish itself firmly in the lifestyle of its customers, facilitating and developing their aesthetics and values. This is an Accepted Manuscript of a book chapter published by Routledge/CRC Press in "Communicating Fashion Brands. Theoretical and Practical Perspectives" on 03-03-2020, available online: LinkedIn:
Als de veiligheid verbetert, maar de Rotterdammers dat niet lijken te merken, schiet het veiligheidsbeleid tekort. Bij de behandeling van het nieuwe veiligheidsprogramma, #Veilig010 (Gemeente Rotterdam, 2013), werd een raadsbrede motie ingediend om te achterhalen wat achter deze ontwikkeling schuilgaat. En vooral natuurlijk, wat daaraan gedaan zou kunnen worden. Dus werd besloten tot een zogenaamde ‘brede consultatie’. Als Rotterdamse lector Publiek Vertrouwen in Veiligheid legt Marnix Eysink Smeets zich al geruime tijd toe op de vraag hoe burgers hun veiligheid ervaren, waardoor die ervaring wordt beïnvloed en – vooral – wat je als bestuur eraan kunt doen om de veiligheidsbeleving op een voldoende niveau te brengen of te houden.