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At this moment, no method is available to objectively estimate the temperature to which skeletal remains have been exposed during a fire. Estimating this temperature can provide crucial information in a legal investigation. Exposure of bone to heat results in observable and measurable changes, including a change in colour. To determine the exposure temperature of experimental bone samples, heat related changes in colour were systemically studied by means of image analysis. In total 1138 samples of fresh human long bone diaphysis and epiphysis, varying in size, were subjected to heat ranging from room temperature to 900 °C for various durations and in different media. The samples were scanned with a calibrated flatbed scanner and photographed with a Digital Single Lens Reflex camera. Red, Green, Blue values and Lightness, A-, and B-coordinates were collected for statistical analysis. Cluster analysis showed that discriminating thresholds for Lightness and B-coordinate could be defined and used to construct a model of decision rules. This model enables the user to differentiate between seven different temperature clusters with relatively high precision and accuracy. The proposed decision model provides an objective, robust and non-destructive method for estimating the exposure temperature of heated bone samples.
OBJECTIVE: Osteopenia is a common complication of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). In adults, low bone density and increased fracture risk are associated with low vitamin K status of bone. The vitamin K-dependent protein osteocalcin plays an important role in bone metabolism. Its activity depends upon post-translational carboxylation in which vitamin K is an essential co-factor. Hence, vitamin K deficiency leads to under-carboxylated (i.e., inactive) osteocalcin (ucOC). Little is known about the vitamin K status and bone health in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). We studied the vitamin K status of bone and its association with bone mass properties in children with JIA compared to healthy children.METHODS: We performed a cross sectional study in 55 children with JIA and 54 healthy controls between 6-18 years of age. Bone markers, ultrasound bone mass properties and vitamin K status of bone were determined.RESULTS: Overall, no differences in vitamin K status of bone were found between the study groups. Among children with JIA, a high ratio of ucOC/cOC indicating low vitamin K status was associated with low bone ultrasound parameters, whereas children with a high vitamin K status had markedly higher bone properties. This association was independent of physical activity, age, gender and BMI.CONCLUSION: These results suggest that vitamin K may be one of multiple risk factors for low bone mass in children with JIA, in addition to other recognized determinants of bone mass. The question remains whether JIA patients would benefit from increased dietary vitamin K intake.
Rationale: The number of obese older adults with diabetes type 2 is increasing worldwide. Weight loss treatment in this group seems beneficial for cardio-metabolic and other health outcomes, but it might reduce muscle mass and bone mineral density (BMD). The association between obesity and BMD is controversial, and the role of muscle mass and dietary protein intake is not fully clear. This study explores the association between body weight, muscle mass, dietary protein intake, and physical activity level on BMD in obese older adults with diabetes type 2. Methods: For this cross-sectional analysis we used baseline data of a 13-week randomized trial evaluating the effect of a multi-modal intervention on muscle preservation and insulin sensitivity during a weight loss program in obese older adults (55-80y) with diabetes type 2 (PROBE). Body weight was measured using a calibrated scale (Life Measurement), appendicular lean mass (ALM) was used as a proxy for muscle mass and was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA, Hologic Discovery A), dietary protein intake was estimated by a 3-day food record, Physical Activity Level (PAL) was estimated by a 3-day activity record, and hip BMD was assessed by DXA. After determination of Pearson’s correlation coefficients for body weight, ALM, protein intake, and PAL with BMD, linear regression analysis was performed with significantly correlating determinants (body weight [kg], ALM [kg], protein intake [g/kg/d], and/or PAL [-]) and hip BMD (g/cm2) as outcome variable. Results: Mean age of the 122 included subjects was 67±6y, with a BMI of 33±4kg/m2. 65% of subjects were male. Body weight and ALM correlated significantly with BMD (r=0.34, p<0.001; r=0.43, p<0.001) whereas protein intake and PAL did not (r=0.02, p=0.84; r=0.005, p=0.95). Linear regression analysis with the two determinants body weight and ALM identified ALM as being significantly associated with BMD, whereas body weight was not. Beta for ALM was +0.011 g/cm2 (95% CI: 0.004 – 0.017; p<0.01), meaning that a 1 kg increase in ALM is associated with a +0.011 g/cm2 increase in BMD. Conclusion: In this explorative cross-sectional analysis appendicular muscle mass is positively associated with BMD, rather than body weight, protein intake, and physical activity level.
Nederland wil in 2050 een circulaire economie zijn. Een economie zonder afval, waarbij alles draait op herbruikbare grondstoffen. Het zuiniger en slimmer omgaan met grondstoffen is ook voor de textielbranche van belang. De meest gebruikte en bekende hernieuwbare plantaardige grondstof voor de textielindustrie is katoen. De huidige niet-circulaire productie en toepassingen van katoen hebben vergaande negatieve impact op mens en milieu. De gebruikersduur van kleding wordt steeds korter en afgedankte kleding wordt laagwaardig verwerkt om uiteindelijk alsnog te worden verbrand. Zowel het economische als duurzame verbeterpotentieel voor circulair textiel is dan ook enorm. De kwaliteit van katoen vermindert met iedere (mechanische) recyclingstap omdat de vezellengte steeds korter wordt. De uitdaging is om meermaals te recycling waarbij in iedere recyclestap waarde wordt behouden en gecreëerd. Als uiteindelijke stap wordt nagestreefd de grondstof veilig terug te laten keren naar de biosfeer als voedingsmiddel waarna een nieuwe cascade kan beginnen: een kringloop in de vorm van regeneratieve cascades. Om dit te realiseren moet de hele keten samenwerken in een transparant systeem waarbij stakeholders meervoudige waarde in balans ontwikkelen, zodat geen partij in de keten wordt benadeeld. Organisaties worstelen met deze veranderende rollen en zoeken nieuwe bedrijfsmodellen, waarin herstel en volhoudbaarheid boven oneindige groei en uitputting staan. In dit project werken Nederlandse bedrijven (met name MKB) uit de gehele textielketen samen met Indiase bedrijven om de werking van een katoencascade -een regeneratief, circulair systeem van katoenzaad tot worteldoek- te onderzoeken en op te tekenen. Een interdisciplinaire benadering is hierbij cruciaal. De nadruk ligt zowel op onderzoek naar de technische haalbaarheid van de katoenvezel als op de ontwikkeling van collaboratieve bedrijfsmodellen. De geformuleerde onderzoeksvraag luidt: Welke collaboratieve bedrijfsmodellen ontstaan tijdens het ontwerponderzoek die geschikt zijn voor meervoudige waardecreatie in een katoencascade en hoe kunnen die bijdragen aan de verdere ontwikkeling van regeneratieve cascadeprincipes?