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Vandaag de dag is er geen enkele leverancier van informatietechnologie die cloud computing niet heeft omarmd. Die term werd (voor zover ik kan nagaan) in 2006 voor de eerste keer publiekelijk gebruikt door Google’s Eric Schmidt, die daaraan toevoegde dat hij het idee had dat niemand begreep waar het om ging, maar dat het wel enorme mogelijkheden bood. Cloud computing heeft een enorme ontwikkeling doorgemaakt, vooral omdat individuele computergebruikers het al vanaf het begin enthousiast omarmden en het gebruik ervan stimuleerden in hun dagelijkse werk.
The rapidly evolving aviation environment, driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, encompasses smart operations, communication technology, and automation. Airports are increasingly developing new autonomous innovation strategies to meet sustainability goals and address future challenges, such as shifting labor markets, working conditions, and digitalization (ACI World, 2019). This paper explores high-level governance strategies, a benchmarking study, that facilitates this transition. It aims to identify the key characteristics and features of the benchmarking study applicable to the development of autonomous airside operations. It also examines areas for improvement in operations, focusing on Key Performance Areas (KPAs) and strategic objectives related to airside automation. The findings highlight several essential performance areas and formulate it to a tailored benchmarking study that airports or aviation stakeholders can adopt to develop automation in airside operations. These criteria and features are summarized into a benchmarking framework that reflects strategy objectives. This paper contributes a valuable benchmarking methodology, supporting the growing global aviation demand for improvements toward more sustainable and smart autonomous airside operations. This outcome motivates aviation stakeholders to innovate to meet environmental and social sustainability goals.
Full text via link One of the most important drivers of change in the health care sector is the desire of elderly people to age in place. The growing use of internet applications and communication technology together with innovations in buildings have created new commercial opportunities to cater the demands of elderly to grow old in their home environment. Many of these opportunities are facilitated by institutional changes like deregulation and privatization, and benefit from globalization, for example trough stronger incentives for innovation and domestic implementation of ideas that arise in foreign markets