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Hoofdstuk 5 in 'Bruggen tussen Wetenschap en Praktijk: LIBER AMICORUM voor Paul Jansen'. Bruggen tussen Wetenschap en Praktijk is het Liber Amicorum voor Paul Jansen, geschreven door zijn oud-promovendi, collegae en academische vrienden. In 13 hoofdstukken reflecteren zij op de belangrijkste thema's uit de academische loopbaan van Paul: loopbanen, diversiteit, performance management, leiderschap, ondernemerschap en assessments. Thema's waarnaar zij samen met Paul onderzoek doen of hebben gedaan en waarmee zij uiteraard een brug hebben geprobeerd te slaan tussen wetenschap en praktijk.
The Center of Nursing Excellence (CNE) in Kazakhstan is developed within the ProInCa project. The CNE focuses on the transfer of research outcomes into nursing practice and the research ideas to the universities for research and educational purposes. It includes mechanisms for collaboration and knowledge sharing within the Centre of Nursing Excellence between the academic national and international nursing community (universities and other educational institutions) and society. These mechanisms involve the creation of an e-platform and formalized national and international networks and working groups.
Logopedisten en klinisch linguïsten onderzoeken de taalontwikkeling van jonge kinderen met een vermoedelijke of al vastgestelde taalontwikkelingsstoornis. Ze onderzoeken ook de taalvaardigheid van personen met afasie. Naast gestandaardiseerde tests worden samples spontane taal geanalyseerd. Hiervoor worden uitingen ontlokt aan de patiënten via vaste protocollen. De sessies worden opgenomen, getranscribeerd en vervolgens grammaticaal geanalyseerd. Bij de grammaticale analyse wordt bepaald welke soorten constructies en fouten voorkomen en in welke mate, en dit wordt vergeleken met een norm. Taal- en spraaktechnologie (TST) kan er in prin-cipe aan bijdragen om het proces van transcriptie en grammaticale analyse efficiënter te maken en mogelijk zelfs om de kwaliteit van de assessments te verhogen. In dit artikel richten we ons op de mogelijkheden van TST voor de analyse van kindertaal.
Our country contains a very dense and challenging transport and mobility system. National research agendas and roadmaps of multiple sectors such as HTSM, Logistics and Agri&food, promote vehicle automation as a means to increase transport safety and efficiency. SMEs applying vehicle automation require compliance to application/sector specific standards and legislation. A key aspect is the safety of the automated vehicle within its design domain, to be proven by manufacturers and assessed by authorities. The various standards and procedures show many similarities but also lead to significant differences in application experience and available safety related solutions. For example: Industrial AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles) have been around for many years, while autonomous road vehicles are only found in limited testing environments and pilots. Companies are confronted with an increasing need to cover multiple application environments, such restricted areas and public roads, leading to complex technical choices and parallel certification/homologation procedures. SafeCLAI addresses this challenge by developing a framework for a generic safety layer in the control of autonomous vehicles that can be re-used in different applications across sectors. This is done by extensive consolidation and application of cross-sectoral knowledge and experience – including analysis of related standards and procedures. The framework promises shorter development times and enables more efficient assessment procedures. SafeCLAI will focus on low-speed applications since they are most wanted and technically best feasible. Nevertheless, higher speed aspects will be considered to allow for future extension. SafeCLAI will practically validate (parts) of the foreseen safety layer and publish the foreseen framework as a baseline for future R&D, allowing coverage of broader design domains. SafeCLAI will disseminate the results in the Dutch arena of autonomous vehicle development and application, and also integrate the project learnings into educational modules.