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With the rise of the knowledge-based economy in Asia, Western-dominated organizational literature is being exported to Asian countries. There is a huge interest from businesses and universities in China, Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and other countries in Asia and the Middle-East to learn about Western management ideas and techniques in the area of knowledge and intellectual capital management. There is, however, little insight into the success of management ideas and techniques that are based on Western conceptualizations of knowledge in an Asian context.
Isu KunciPolicy Brief ini memuat poin-poin penting sebagai berikut :1) Adopsi teknologi informasi untuk industri perikanan.2) Pentingnya ekonomi inovasi pada rantai nilai budidaya perikanan laut dan darat.3) Evaluasi teknik budidaya dan ekologi lingkungan dalam memilih teknologi informasi.RekomendasiPenerapan teknologi informasi pada di Marineculture di Asia Tenggara, yang berfokus pada inovasi ekonomi dan ekologi lingkungan, sangat penting bagi pembangunan berkelanjutan. Rekomendasi yang diberikan adalah melalui pendekatan dan aplikasi: (1) Transformasi Digital. Hal ini mencakup peningkatan infrastruktur, promosi e-commerce, dan pengembangan kewirausahaan digital. (2) Pengembangan Sains, Teknologi & Inovasi: harus dipandang sebagai investasi untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi dan kemajuan teknologi berbasis Ekonomi Digital. (3) Adopsi dilakukan dengan Transisi Ramah Lingkungan agar pengembangan teknologi berkontribusi terhadap ekologi lingkungan. (4) Dukungan penuh dari pemerintah melalui kebijakan pemberian kredit finansial dan penyuluhan tentang aplikasi teknologi berbasi IoT kepada pembudidaya ikan kecil. Oleh karena itu, negara-negara Asia Tenggara harus memanfaatkan teknologi untuk inovasi ekonomi sambil memastikan kelestarian lingkungan melalui penerapan praktik dan kebijakan ramah lingkungan.
In recent years, the importance of sustaining social innovation initiatives, onceinitiated, has gained increasing attention and, in particular, the role that design(ers) can play in this process. However, both the academic study and the practice of design and social innovation are currently lacking sufficient insight into how initiatives are sustained outside of experimental or academic settings and rarely move beyond the involvement of designers and/or researchers. The paper shares experiences from practitioners from Asia-Pacific that are operating in the real world, highlighting their precarious working conditions. The significance of building and maintaining healthy social relations in essential in this context, as these enable the weaving of a strong social fabric around the initiatives that will provide necessarily shelter and to endure long after the practitioners’ involvement. Therefore, facilitating the creation of meaningful social relations should be the key objective for design, instead of designing artefacts.
aphasia, speech apraxia, blended careDeze aanvraag is onderdeel van een structureel samenwerkingsverband van het UMCG Centrum voor Revalidatie met de Hanzehogeschool, afdeling Logopedie en de RUG, afdeling Taalwetenschappen, University College of Groningen en Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent. Het project heeft ten doel het verbeteren van de kwaliteit van de logopedische behandeling van spraak- en taalstoornissen na hersenletsel. Hierbij staat telkens het verbinden van theoretische inzichten uit de literatuur met klinisch opgedane inzichten voorop.
HZ University of Applied Sciences (HZ) together with Dutch SME’s Recycled Island Foundation and Upp! Upcycling Plastic will be executing a feasibility study into the most efficient and effective collection system of floating macro-plastics in the Mekong delta in Vietnam (floating passive litter traps, litter fishing, or other). All three project partners are (separately) already active in The Netherlands, Belgium, Indonesia and Vietnam in the field of environmental (practice based) research and development (among others in Living Lab settings with local universities and communities). This project aims at expanding cooperation between all three project partners including partners’ partners in the living lab network in Vietnam. The results of the feasibility study enables the research group Building with Nature of HZ acquiring experience in and expertise of a possible new research topic “reducing macro-plastics in water systems and re-using it in an effective and efficient manner”. Moreover, the results of the project will enable both SME to expand their export opportunities and business to Asian countries, which severely suffer from increasing plastic waste.
The expanding world’s population challenges the way we produce and supply food. The ever-increasing production of food and its subsequent generated biomass forms immense risks to the environment and, eventually, public health. Aside from developing innovative food production methods (hydroponics, non-toxic pesticides, resistant species), the generation of waste biomass remains a challenge. Large volumes of food waste are processed in animal food, biofuel or used as a composting source, while these by-products are valuable sources of bioactive compounds (BACs). The processing of fruits and vegetables generates a variety of biomass such as peels, seeds and pulp that contain high-value compounds such as polyphenols. These BACs are implemented in pharmaceutical products or food supplements for their beneficial influence on human health, such as antioxidant or anti-inflammatory properties. The valorization and extraction of these compounds originating from agricultural waste streams is a key strategy for recycling and reusing food waste and, subsequently, reducing the environmental impact caused by waste streams. Additionally, the ability to further process food waste into valuable compounds can provide an extra source of income for the agricultural sector, supporting local economies. Local pharmaceutical companies are interested in developing methods to extract BACs from local sources since the current market is strongly dependent on the Asian market. Phytopharma finds the production of local food supplements crucial for the local circular economy and their sustainable business. During this project, the consortium partners will investigate sustainable extraction methods of BACs from local waste streams (duurzame chemie: bronnen en grondstoffen). More specifically Zuyd, CHILL and Phytopharma will pursue the “green” extraction of quercetin (BACs) from locally sourced onion waste. The partners will explore various extraction and purification methods needed to evaluate a potentially sustainable business model. Furthermore, the bioavailability of quercetin will be enhanced by encapsulation.