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From the introduction: "There are two variants of fronto-temporal dementia: a behavioral variant (behavioral FTD, bvFTD, Neary et al. (1998)), which causes changes in behavior and personality but leaves syntax, phonology and semantics relatively intact, and a variant that causes impairments in the language processing system (Primary Progessive Aphasia, PPA (Gorno-Tempini et al., 2004). PPA can be subdivided into subtypes fluent (fluent but empty speech, comprehension of word meaning is affected / `semantic dementia') and non-fluent (agrammatism, hesitant or labored speech, word finding problems). Some identify logopenic aphasia as a FTD-variant: fluent aphasia with anomia but intact object recognition and underlying word meaning."
Patients with poststroke aphasia have higher mortality rates and worse functional outcome than patients without aphasia. Nurses are well aware of aphasia and the associated problems for patients with stroke because they have daily contact with them. The challenge is to provide evidence-based care directed at the aphasia. Although rehabilitation stroke guidelines are available, they do not address the caregiving of nurses to patients with aphasia. The aim of this study was to explore the evidence on rehabilitation of stroke patients with aphasia in relation to nursing care, focusing on the following themes: (1) the identification of aphasia, (2) the effectiveness of speech-language interventions.The findings of this study can be used to develop nursing rehabilitation guidelines for stroke patients with aphasia. Further research is necessary to explore the feasibility of using such guidelines in clinical nursing practice and to examine the experiences of patients with nursing interventions directed at aphasia.
Background: Difficulty in communicating (due to aphasia) can have serious consequences for patients in health care settings. Communication Partner Training is effective for improving communication between people with aphasia and health care professionals. Aim and Objective: This study aims to evaluate the feasibility of developing and introducing a Communication Program which focuses on improving communication between nurses and persons with aphasia in a peripheral hospital setting. Methods & Procedures: A mixed-methods feasibility study was conducted with a pre-test post-test design in the quantitative part and two focus group discussions in the qualitative part. Nurses received training for communicating with persons with aphasia. In the pre-test and post-test, nurses filled in a questionnaire for barriers and facilitators and a feasibility questionnaire. Nurses’ attitudes towards the Communication Program were further explored in two focus group discussions. Outcomes & Results: Forty six nurses took part in the training sessions. Most nurses were satisfied about the Communication Program (24/30) and intended to continue using it (25/30). Almost all nurses saw positive effects for patients with aphasia (27/30), such as an increase in the ability to communicate. However, nurses reported that using the program was time consuming and that they still often experienced frustration when communicating with persons with aphasia. Conclusions: Improving communication with persons with aphasia via the Communication Program seems feasible and valuable according to nurses. Nurses probably need more support during implementation of the Communication Program, mainly due to time barriers and the complexity of communicating with persons with aphasia. Further research should focus on revising the program, training health care professionals with different educational backgrounds, and assessing the implementation of this communication partner training in health care settings.
aphasia, speech apraxia, blended careDeze aanvraag is onderdeel van een structureel samenwerkingsverband van het UMCG Centrum voor Revalidatie met de Hanzehogeschool, afdeling Logopedie en de RUG, afdeling Taalwetenschappen, University College of Groningen en Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent. Het project heeft ten doel het verbeteren van de kwaliteit van de logopedische behandeling van spraak- en taalstoornissen na hersenletsel. Hierbij staat telkens het verbinden van theoretische inzichten uit de literatuur met klinisch opgedane inzichten voorop.