Airports represent the major bottleneck in the air traffic management system with increasing traffic density. Enhanced levels of automation and coordination of surface operations are imperative to reduce congestion and to improve efficiency. This paper addresses the problem of comparing different control strategies on the airport surface to investigate their impacts and benefits. We propose an optimization approach to solve in a unified manner the coordinated surface operations problem on network models of an actual hub airport. Controlled pushback time, taxi reroutes and controlled holding time (waiting time at runway threshold for departures and time spent in runway crossing queues for arrivals) are considered as decisions to optimize the ground movement problem. Three major aspects are discussed:1) benefits of incorporating taxi reroutes on the airport performance metrics; 2) priority of arrivals and departures in runway crossings; 3) tradeoffs between controlled pushback and controlled holding time for departures. A preliminary study case is conducted in a model based on operations of Paris Charles De-Gaulle airport under the most frequently used configuration. Airport is modeled using a node-link network structure. Alternate taxi routes are constructed based on surface surveillance records with respect to current procedural factors. A representative peak-hour traffic scenario is generated using historical data. The effectiveness of the proposed optimization methods is investigated.
Airports represent the major bottleneck in the air traffic management system with increasing traffic density. Enhanced levels of automation and coordination of surface operations are imperative to reduce congestion and to improve efficiency. This paper addresses the problem of comparing different control strategies on the airport surface to investigate their impacts and benefits. We propose an optimization approach to solve in a unified manner the coordinated surface operations problem on network models of an actual hub airport. Controlled pushback time, taxi reroutes and controlled holding time (waiting time at runway threshold for departures and time spent in runway crossing queues for arrivals) are considered as decisions to optimize the ground movement problem. Three major aspects are discussed:1) benefits of incorporating taxi reroutes on the airport performance metrics; 2) priority of arrivals and departures in runway crossings; 3) tradeoffs between controlled pushback and controlled holding time for departures. A preliminary study case is conducted in a model based on operations of Paris Charles De-Gaulle airport under the most frequently used configuration. Airport is modeled using a node-link network structure. Alternate taxi routes are constructed based on surface surveillance records with respect to current procedural factors. A representative peak-hour traffic scenario is generated using historical data. The effectiveness of the proposed optimization methods is investigated.
This paper focuses on the use of discrete event simulation (DES) as a decision support tool for airport land use development. As a study case, Querétaro Airport (Mexico) is used, due to its rapid growth and the different services it offers. The SIMIO® software was used to carry out a macro-level simulation of the airport’s processes, considering generic process times, flight types and demand schedules. The resulting strategic simulation model can be used to diagnose the current growth situation, analyse the airport's growth potential, and evaluate different expansion scenarios using the available land, including the expansion of the terminal building, cargo operations or MRO. The arrival and departure of aircraft (commercial, cargo, maintenance, aviation school and private aviation) at the airport were simulated to detect bottlenecks for different expansion scenarios, that aim to find an optimal balance between the growth options in the different airport grounds. The objective is to compare the potential growth of different layout expansion possibilities. Preliminary results indicate that land use options have a great impact on the growth potential of the airport and some general aviation activities, such as the aviation school, are interfering with the potential growth of other activities at Querétaro Airport.
Het Raak Pro project Terugschakelen naar ketendenken liet een aantal zaken zien: 1. Het is lastig MKBers bij onderzoek te betrekken; 2. Via de zgn. Leaderfirm benadering lukt dit wel bedrijven bij voor hen relevant onderzoek te betrekken, 3. Op basis van een eigen benchmakronderzoek naar international airport-seaportregio's komt Amsterdam als een sterke mainport naar voren. De benchmark leverde een aantal aanbevelingen om de NL mainport te versterken. In deze Top Up maken we gebruik van de Leaderfirm benadering om de Benchmark die éénmalig was uitgevoerd in de Raak Pro Terugschakelen naar ketendenken te verrijken, kwalitatief en kwantitatief uit te breiden en te verdiepen. (doorwerking richting beroepspraktijk) In dit Top Up project doen we dat door studenten in een zgn. afstudeeratelier bij het benchmark onderzoek te betrekken en hen i.s.m. onderzoekers de benchmark te laten uitvoeren (doorwerking richting onderwijs). De verrijkte benchmarkt vormt een belangrijk focuspunt binnen het lectoraat Mainport Logistiek en zorg voor nieuwe publicaties (doorwerking richting onderzoek en werkveld)
The carbon dioxide emissions of aviation play an important role in many studies and databases. But unfortunately, a detailed and reliable overview of emission factors, and algorithms to calculate these based on factors like seating class, airline type, and aircraft type, did not exist for the Dutch aviation sector. This study calculated such emissions for a sample of over 5000 international flights in 2019 from the 5 Dutch main airports. The data about the flights were gathered from FlightRadar and enriched with seating capacities specific to the airline performing ten flights. in this way, emissions could be assigned to each of the four seating classes (economy, economy-plus, business and first). By aggregating the data to airline types and distance of the flight, algorithms were developed that help researchers and policy-makers to calculate the emissions. Societal IssueThe carbon footprint of Dutch aviation is about 10% of the total footprint. To prevent the world to exceed 1.5 degrees C and enter 'dangerous climate change', emissions need to decline to zero before 2050. This study helps assess and understand current aviation emissions from Dutch airports.Benefit to societyThe results were an update of emissions factors as used by the funding organisation, MilieuCentraal, and the official emission factors list (
Client: European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) The European Institute of Innovation & Technology, a body of the European Union founded to increase European sustainable growth and competitiveness, has set up a number of Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KIC). One of these Communities is on climate change (Climate-KIC). In 2013, Climate-KIC in the Netherlands approved funding for the IMPACT project (IMPlementation & Adoption of Carbon footprint in Tourism travel packages). This ‘pathfinder’ project aimed to assess the viability of and market for a comprehensive carbon calculator. Such a calculator would enable enterprises in the wider travel industry to determine the carbon dioxide emissions, the main cause for climate change, of tourism products and include ‘carbon management’ in their overall policy and strategy. It is generally expected the cost for fuel and carbon will significantly rise in the near en medium future. The calculator will not only cover flights, but also other transport modes, local tourism activities and accommodations. When this pathfinder project finds interest for carbon management within the sector, we aim to start a much larger follow-up project that will deliver the calculator and tools. The IMPACT project was coordinated by the research institute Alterra Wagenigen UR, the Netherlands. Partners were: - Schiphol Airport Group, Amsterdam, The Netherlands- Technical University Berlin, Germany- TEC Conseil, Marseille, France- TUI Netherlands, Rijswijk, The Netherlands- NHTV Breda University for Applied Sciences, The NetherlandsThe project ran from September 2013 to February 2014.