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Inleiding op AQAL (4 kwadranten ) van K. Wilber en koppeling met Freud, Jung & Maslow
Summary This paper aims to present the background and process for a creative session. The idea of process is explained by means of flux and the implications for the creative process of creactivation. Intervening in the course of things requires serious creativity with proper attention to different perspectives. For this use is made of the four quadrants (AQAL as proposed by Ken Wilber): the interior subjective perspectives; -I- and -WE-. The objective viewpoint -IT- is used for the reviewing the system demands and the required know-how. The concept of holons is used to explain the tensions these 'part/whole' create; tensions which will create problems but can also be put to creative use. Finally, a process model (SHITE) is given to find our way across paradigms.
Toelichting op presentatie 'Inspiratie voor synergie' m.n., het creatieve proces en wat anders kijken naar organiseren met Spiral DynamicsIntegral betekent, a.h.v. 4 thema's: Groter groeien (werving) Meer ondernemerschap Vergroten onderlinge toegevoegde waarde Verkrijgen leuker en gaver werk