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This paper introduces a novel distributed algorithm designed to optimize the deployment of access points within Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) for better service quality in infrastructure less environments. The algorithm operates based on local, independent execution by each network node, thus ensuring a high degree of scalability and adaptability to changing network conditions. The primary focus is to match the spatial distribution of access points with the distribution of client devices while maintaining strong connectivity to the network root. Using autonomous decision-making and choreographed path-planning, this algorithm bridges the gap between demand-responsive network service provision and the maintenance of crucial network connectivity links. The assessment of the performance of this approach is motivated by using numerical results generated by simulations.
In recent years, a step change has been seen in the rate of adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies by manufacturers and industrial organizations alike. This article discusses the current state of the art in the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies within the construction industry. Increasing complexity in onsite construction projects coupled with the need for higher productivity is leading to increased interest in the potential use of Industry 4.0 technologies. This article discusses the relevance of the following key Industry 4.0 technologies to construction: data analytics and artificial intelligence, robotics and automation, building information management, sensors and wearables, digital twin, and industrial connectivity. Industrial connectivity is a key aspect as it ensures that all Industry 4.0 technologies are interconnected allowing the full benefits to be realized. This article also presents a research agenda for the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies within the construction sector, a three-phase use of intelligent assets from the point of manufacture up to after build, and a four-staged R&D process for the implementation of smart wearables in a digital enhanced construction site.
Handboek voor MKB-ers die de eerste stappen willen zetten in het innoveren met AI.Ondernemers zien natuurlijk kansen in de ontwikkeling van nieuwe producten en/of diensten, ondersteund door AI (Artificial Intelligence). Want data blijkt immers ‘het nieuwe goud’ te zijn! Maar hoe doe je dat dan? Waar begin je? Wat zijn de do’s en wat zijn de dont’s?Voor MKB-ondernemingen, die hier vaak geen specialisten voor in huis hebben, zijn dit de relevante vragen. Speciaal voor deze doelgroep is, binnen het KI-AGIL project, het Handboek AI ontwikkeld. Dit Handboek gaat in op deze en meer vragen, en geeft diverse handreikingen (o.a. om de aanpak op een ‘business verantwoorde, agile manier’ te doen), waardoor een MKB-onderneming goed op weg geholpen wordt met AI.