Introduction: In this study, a blended learning course, designedusing a participatory design approach and Persuasive Technology(PT), was evaluated by students and teachers. The use ofa participatory design and PT may help facilitate a blended learningcourse that motivates students and supports teachers in this relativelynew field. Method: Students received the blended course aspart of their regular curriculum. Subsequently, interviews with students(N = 10) and teachers (N = 3), as well as a survey amongstudents (N = 35) were held to evaluate the blended course. Results:Most of the PT which was implemented motivated the students toparticipate in the online course. The techniques suggestions, similarity,reduction, self-monitoring and tunneling seemed to specificallymotivate students. According to the students, their teacherssufficiently integrated the online course with the Face to FaceClasses. Teachers stated that they stimulated intrinsic motivation,supported students to complete their tasks and facilitated theblended learning process (integrating the different elements ofa blended learning course). Discussion/Conclusion: The use of PTmotivated students. Teachers played a crucial role in mergingdifferent aspects of the blended learning course. Future challengeswould be the implementation of social support online. What do you want to do ?New mail
Introduction: In this study, a blended learning course, designedusing a participatory design approach and Persuasive Technology(PT), was evaluated by students and teachers. The use ofa participatory design and PT may help facilitate a blended learningcourse that motivates students and supports teachers in this relativelynew field. Method: Students received the blended course aspart of their regular curriculum. Subsequently, interviews with students(N = 10) and teachers (N = 3), as well as a survey amongstudents (N = 35) were held to evaluate the blended course. Results:Most of the PT which was implemented motivated the students toparticipate in the online course. The techniques suggestions, similarity,reduction, self-monitoring and tunneling seemed to specificallymotivate students. According to the students, their teacherssufficiently integrated the online course with the Face to FaceClasses. Teachers stated that they stimulated intrinsic motivation,supported students to complete their tasks and facilitated theblended learning process (integrating the different elements ofa blended learning course). Discussion/Conclusion: The use of PTmotivated students. Teachers played a crucial role in mergingdifferent aspects of the blended learning course. Future challengeswould be the implementation of social support online. What do you want to do ?New mail
High consumption of animal-source foods, specifically meat, adversely affects human health and the environment. Dietary habits are shaped at younger ages and a reduction in meat consumption may be facilitated by the life course transitions in early adulthood, but studies are limited. This study among young Dutch adults aimed to describe their perceptions on the influence of life course transitions on meat consumption, barriers and enablers to reduce meat consumption, and strategies for reducing meat consumption. Barriers and enablers were grouped applying the COM-B model that includes capability, opportunity, and motivation. This quantitative cross-sectional study included a representative sample of 1806 young adults from two Dutch consumer panels who completed an online survey. Young adults frequently reported life course transitions, especially those related to moving house, to have decreased their meat consumption. Barriers and enablers to reduce meat consumption were identified for all three factors of the COM-B model. Important barriers included taste, perceived high prices of meat alternatives, and habits. In contrast, important enablers included care for the environment and animal welfare, enjoyment of smaller portions of meat and saving money. However, barriers and enablers largely differed by groups of meat consumption frequency. Self-perceived effective strategies for reducing meat consumption were price reduction of meat alternatives, recipes for vegetarian meals, and more attractive meat alternatives. The findings of this study are relevant for the development of targeted behaviour-change programmes including interventions in the physical and the social environment (like lowering prices and improving the offer of meat alternatives).