De innovatiewerkplaats Campus Design (CD) richt zich op de duurzame ontwikkeling (SDG) van de campus door middel van praktijkgerichte oplossingen en onderzoek. Vanuit het lectoraat Facility Management van de Hanze, werkt CD samen met kennis- en onderwijsinstellingen, overheden en het bedrijfsleven, bijvoorbeeld om de kwaliteit, gastvrijheid en inclusiviteit te verbeteren zodat iedereen zich welkom voelt op de campus. CD streeft naar een betere aansluiting tussen de ruimte en organisatie op de campus; ook de vergroening en biodiversiteit rekenen we daartoe. Dit doen we door praktijkvragen van onderwijsinstellingen en het bedrijfsleven te koppelen aan praktijkgericht onderzoek van onze senior-onderzoekers, onderzoekers, docenten en studenten, onder meer in architectuur, facility management, gastvrijheid, kunsten en vastgoed. Onze multidisciplinaire aanpak is zeer actiegericht; we willen de campuspraktijk écht veranderen en laten zien dat het betaalbaar is én werkt. We zorgen er dus voor dat oplossingen niet alleen theoretisch en empirisch uitstekend onderbouwd zijn, maar vooral ook praktisch toepasbaar en bewijsbaar beter. Door de goede samenwerking met onze partners, genereert CD oplossingen die onderwijsinstellingen inspireren en hen helpen de SDG te implementeren.
This study reports the outcomes of a systematic literature review, which aims to determine the influence of four indoor environmental parameters — indoor air, thermal, acoustic, and lighting conditions —on the quality of teaching and learning and on students' academic achievement in schools for higher education, defined as education at a college or university. By applying the Cochrane Collaboration Method, relevant scientific evidence was identified by systematically searching in multiple databases. After the screening process, 21 publications of high relevance and quality were included. The collected evidence showed that the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) can contribute positively to the quality of learning and short‐term academic performance of students. However, the influence of all parameters on the quality of teaching and the long‐term academic performance could not be determined yet. Students perform at their best in different IEQ conditions, and these conditions are task‐dependent, suggesting that classrooms which provide multiple IEQ classroom conditions facilitate different learning tasks optimally. In addition, the presented evidence illuminates how to examine the influence of the IEQ on users. Finally, this information supports decision‐makers in facility management and building systems engineering to improve the IEQ, and by doing so, allow teachers and students to perform optimally.
Several studies found that classrooms' indoor environmental quality (IEQ) can positively influence in-class activities. Understanding and quantifying the combined effect of four indoor environmental parameters, namely indoor air quality and thermal, acoustic, and lighting conditions on people is essential to create an optimal IEQ. Accordingly, a systematic approach was developed to study the effect of multiple IEQ parameters simultaneously. Methods for measuring the IEQ and students' perceived IEQ, internal responses, and academic performance were derived from literature. Next, this systematic approach was tested in a pilot study during a regular academic course. The perceptions, internal responses, and short-term academic performance of participating students (n = 163) were measured. During the pilot study, the IEQ of the classrooms varied slightly. Significant associations (p < 0.05) were observed between these natural variations and students' perceptions of the thermal environment and indoor air quality. These perceptions were significantly associated with their physiological and cognitive responses (p < 0.05). Furthermore, students' perceived cognitive responses were associated with their short-term academic performance (p < 0.01). The observed associations confirm the construct validity of the systematic approach. However, its validity for investigating the influence of lighting remains to be determined.
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