Abstract: Background
Non-compliance to, or drop-out from treatment for childhood ADHD, result in suboptimal outcome. Non-compliance and drop-out may be due to mismatches between patients’ care needs and treatments provided. This study investigated unmet care needs in ADHD patients. Unmet needs were assessed in two different treatment settings (general outpatient setting versus youth-ACT). Youth-ACT treatment is an intensive outreach-oriented treatment for patients with severe psychiatric and psychosocial problems. Comparison of a general outpatient sample with a youth-ACT sample enabled us to assess the influence of severity of psychiatric and psychosocial problems on perceived care needs. Methods Self-reported unmet care needs were assessed among 105 ADHD patients between 6 and 17 years of age in a general outpatient (n = 52) and a youth-ACT setting (n = 53).
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