
Understanding the emotions of visitors to Chernobyl.


"Few studies have focused on the case of Chernobyl as a dark tourism site.
The conceptualization of dark tourism still needs to be broadened and is nowadays
shifting towards a focus on the experience rather than the sites. This chapter investi-
gates the emotions elicited by the Chernobyl tourist experience by studying Chernobyl
visitors’ internet publications (blogs). Data were collected from popular travel blog
sites, which include online posts about Chernobyl and its visitors’ emotions. Five emo-
tions were deduced from the blogs, including surprise/amazement, awe, fear/appre-
hension, interest/anticipation, and disgust. Additionally, this chapter also shows that
both tangible and intangible attributes of the experience could trigger these emotions.
The study offers implications for enhancing tourists’ experience at Chernobyl which
could be adopted for other dark destinations"

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