Hydrogen (H2) is a key element in the Dutch energy transition, considered a sources of flexibility to balance the variable renewable energy sources, facilitating its integration into the energy system. But also as an energy carrier. Both the gas and electricity transmission operators (TSO) have the vision to interconnect their networks with H2, by distributing the green H2 produced with offshore electrolysers into high pressure gas pipelines to relive the overload electric network. The planned compressed H2 pipelines cross the north of North-Holland region, offering a backbone for a H2 economy. Furthermore, at regional level there are already a big number of privet-public H2 developments, among them the DuWaAl, which is a H2 production-demand chain, consists of 1) An H2 mill, 2) 5 filling stations in the region and 3) a large fleet of trucks and other users. Because of these developments, the North-Holland region needs a better insight into the position that H2 could fulfil in the local energy system to contribute to the energy transition. The aim of this research is to analyse these H2 economy, from the emergent to settled, by identifying early and potential producer- consumer, considering the future infrastructure requirements, and exploring economy-environmental impacts of different supply paths