As part of a government-initiated programme based on the concept of professional development schools, three secondary schools in Amsterdam decided to facilitate teachers in their schools to engage in practice research. This was based on the assumption that research conducted by teachers contributes both to the learning of the teacher researcher and to the learning and development of the school as a whole. Based on this assumption, a parallel study was conducted into the actual contribution made by the teachers’ research to individual and collective learning within the school. In this article, we report on the results of this study. After a brief outline of the background to academic training schools in the Netherlands and the objective of the Amsterdam Academic Training School (Academische Opleidingsschool Amsterdam), we will describe the research design, which involved a perception study among the teacher researchers concerned with a focus on individual learning, team learning and organisational learning. The conclusion and subsequent evaluation summarise the results and lessons to be learned in order to stimulate and guarantee a research culture within schools.
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