In the light of the latest migration waves to Turkey, this chapter explores the adaptations of Turkish sport policies and initiatives and their role in the context of sport for development and peace (SDP). Lately transforming from a transit country to a host country for refugees and migrants, Turkey had to regulate and accommodate many of its policies after this demographic change. Sport has been used as one of the tools for the integration and active participation of these newcomers. Turkey has been carrying out sport projects to provide both recreational and professional athletic opportunities for refugees and migrants, despite unexpectedly facing this massive migration in its territory. These growing practices are opening up a new realm to discuss sport development and migrant integration in society. In this light, this chapter examines and discusses the practices in Turkey toward refugees to be considered part of SDP with a descriptive method and content analysis. Most of these practices are in collaboration with state institutions, national and international NGOs, and local authorities. Although the long-term outcomes are not completely visible yet, the current practices and steps promise successful results for building an inclusive society.
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