
Recovery of Normal Body Weight in Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa: The Nurses’ Perspective on Effective Interventions


Little is known about effective nursing interventions for adolescents
with anorexia nervosa. The purpose of this study was to discover which aspects of
nursing care are most effective, according to nurses, in recovery of normal body
weight in adolescents with anorexia nervosa.
METHODS: A qualitative descriptive research design was applied with individual
in-depth interviews and a focus group. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the
FINDINGS: Nurses state that they are in a key position in guiding patients with
anorexia nervosa toward a path of weight recovery.A good therapeutic relationship
is essential to the implementation of targeted nursing interventions in the areas of
eating and exercising, social support, and parent counseling.
CONCLUSIONS: The results of this research can be used to define more detailed
nursing interventions, the effectiveness of which can be tested in follow-up research.

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