
PhD Research Proposal: How can effective Self-Directed-Learning be designed in an educational-pedagogic perspective for the Faculty of Education


The research methodology will be developmental research, defined as The systematic study of designing, developing and evaluating instructional programs, processes and products that must meet the criteria of internal consistency and effectiveness. (Richey and Nelson, 1996, p. 1213). Using this kind of methodology will allow me to find outcomes on a Self-Direction Learning (SDL) design process together with colleagues and student teachers - and to carry out several designed learning arrangements from an educational perspective. From the pedagogic perspective I intend to improve the relation between teacher trainer and student teacher with the accent on development, stimulation and support of SDL. This will be done during the design and carrying out of learning arrangements and also by training teacher trainers in the necessary skills of SDL in the context of relational/pedagogic didactic. Looking from both related perspectives it will lead to a construction of an SDL-environment in which teacher trainers and student teacher will learn effectively together.

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