
Определение антоцианов лепестков цветков тюльпанов способом обращенно-фазовой ВЭЖХ


Reversed-phase HPLC with mass spectrometric and diode array detection as well as some literature data were used to reveal the individual types of solutes in anthocyanin complexes of tulip flower petals that are responsible for tulip flower petals coloration of the samples available in the local flower market. It has been found that the main components of the complexes are 3-rutinosides and their 2”’ and 3”’ acylated with acetic acid derivatives of the three anthocyanidins - delphinidin, cyanidin and pelargonidin in the color dependent ratios, though trace quantities of 3-glucosides were found in some cases. For the anthocyanin structure confirmation a correlation analysis of solute retentions of cyanidin or pelargonidin derivatives vs that of delphinidin was proposed based upon equivalence of structures alteration in the solute pairs for each series. The specificity of solutes retention modes was revealed by relative retention analysis, the trend parameters reflected particularities of chromatographic behavior as well as that of electron spectra of the solutes. The difference of acylated anthocyanins retentions was proposed to disclose the conformation states of solutes in the sorbent interface.

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    Tulip Power!



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