
Ontwerprichtlijnen voor de professionele ontwikkeling van leraren met behulp van videofeedback en wederzijdse peer coaching


This design study aimed to develop and test a coherent set of guidelines for teacher professional development. Based on literature we settled for five main principles, and translated these into guidelines for a teacher professional development program. To realize (1) feedback on classroom practice we incorporated video observation. The program was built around (2) collaborative professional learning within reciprocal peer coaching, with (3) teachers as inquirer focusing on student outcomes, (4) teachers' ownership of own learning goals, and (5) training for professional learning.
The program was developed and executed in two groups. All complementary guidelines appeared useful. Teachers need time to develop coaching skills, and find inquiring difficult. Video feedback stimulates teacher learning, especially when embedded in coaching. The program helped participants in learning through interaction and reflection focusing on classroom practice. While the voluntary group evaluated the program more positive, the non voluntary group showed more change.


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