Malnutrition, especially among the elderly in the healthcare environment, is a prevalent problem in The Netherlands, affecting both patients and the healthcare budget. Although oral nutritional supplements (ONS) are often used to restore the nutritional status of a patient, the evaluated current available literature failed to show a coherent picture of the effectiveness of ONS in malnourished patients. In the present study, we used a qualitative research approach to gain insight in the treatment of malnutrition via ONS and food snacks in a single non-academic teaching hospital. Twelve semi-structured interviews with stakeholders (such as dieticians, nurses, care-assistants, physician) were held. Results indicated opportunities for further improvement, for example through the introduction of a screening tool for malnutrition in cognitive impaired patients, better timing for handing out the daily meal plan forms, and improved range and provision of snacks. The stakeholders indicated that taste and physical properties of ONS, but also social environment as well as the physical/mental state and motivation of a patient are important facilitators which should be considered during the prescription. In conclusion, to optimize treatment of malnutrition using ONS and food snacks, the above mentioned opportunities to better match the needs of malnourished patients have to be tackled. Involvement of the different stakeholders within the healthcare facility will be important to implement required changes in nutritional practice.
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