
Meaningful music in health care


A musical improvisation inspired by a beautiful
summer day or by a song by Elvis; for patients
admitted in hospital for an operation, music can
have healing powers. With the research project
Meaningful Music in Health Care (MiMiC), that
took place from autumn 2015 until 2018, the research
group Lifelong Learning in Music (LLM), together
with the department of surgery of the University
Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), researched the
practice of live music for hospital patients and their
health care professionals. For the research group
Lifelong Learning in Music the focus of the research
was on the meaning of this musical practice for
musicians and health care professionals, and on
the development of this practice.
The research of UMCG concentrated on the effects
of live music on the recovery and wellbeing of patients

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