
Knowledge exchange on climate adaptation best management practices for sustainable water management in resilient cities


Cities are becoming increasingly vulnerable to climate change, and there is an urgent need to make them more resilient. The Climatescan adaptation tool is applied as an interactive tool for knowledge exchange and raising awareness on Nature-Bases Solutions (NBS) targeting young professionals in ClimateCafes. Climatescan is a citizen science tool created through ‘learning by doing’, which is interactive, open source, and provide more detailed information on Best Management Practices (BMPs) as: exact location, website links, free photo and film material. BMPs related to Innovations for Climatic Events (INXCES) as stormwater infiltration by swales, raingardens, water squares, green roofs subsurface infiltration are mapped and published on social media. Climatescan is in continuous development as more data is uploaded by over 250 people around the world, and improvements are made to respond to feedback from users. In an early stage of the international knowledge exchange tool Climatescan, the tool was evaluated by semi-structured interviews in the
Climatescan community with the following result: stakeholders demand tools that are interactive, open source, and provide more detailed information (location, free photo and film material). In 2016 Climatescan (first stage of INXCES) was turned into an APP and within two years the tool had over
10,000 users and more than 3,000 international projects. More than 60% of the users are younger than 34 and 51% of users are female, resulting in engagement with an important target group: young professionals. The tool is applied in around the world (The Netherlands, Sweden, Philippines, Indonesia, South Africa) where in a short period of time stakeholders in triple helix context (academia, public and private sector) work on climate related challenges and exchange their knowledge in a café setting. Climatescan has also been used in other water challenges with young professionals such as the Hanseatic Water City Challenge and Wetskills. During the INXCES project over 1000 BMPs related to Innovations for Climatic Events (INXCES) are mapped in
all partner countries (figure 1). The points of interest vary from just a location with a short description to a full uploaded project with location, description and summary, photos and videos, presentations, links to websites with more information and scientific papers and books (as Bryggen in Norway: ).

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