
Experiences matter


Social work has long neglected the experiences of people as an important source of knowledge. This creates gaps between social workers and people in need of social work support. The gaps are evident and hinder people to get the help they need for recovery. This exhibition intends to show how the experiences of people contribute to valuable knowledge in social work education and practice. Experiences matter!
The photo exhibition Experiences Matter is a part of the ESF-project Mending the Gap (Dnr 2016/00583) financed by The European Social Fund. The photos are taken in Antwerp, Durham, Lund and Utrecht in May and June 2017.
PowerUs is an international network of teachers and researchers from schools of social work and representatives from different service user organizations. PowerUs develops methods of mutual learning in order to change social work practice to be more effective in supporting the empowerment of marginalized and discriminated groups in society.
The European Union, PowerUs, European Association of Schools of Social Work (EASSW), Lund University, University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Karel de Grote University College and New College Durham have contributed to this issue.

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