
Design Experiments in Game-Based Learning of Metacognition


Learner metacognition is one of the most influential factors that positively affects learning. Previous work shows that game-based learning can contribute to supporting and developing metacognitive knowledge and skills of learners. While there are many specific examples of such games, it remains unclear how to effectively design game-based learning environments to achieve this in an effective way. In other words: there is sufficient case-specific evidence, but limited design knowledge derived from such cases. In this paper, we attempt to identify such intermediary design knowledge that resides between specific games and generalized theory. We present three design experiments where game-based
metacognitive training is evaluated in real-world educational settings. We collected insights regarding usefulness, motivation, usage, effort, and metacognition among participating students. From these experiments we identify what was learned in the form of design recommendations and, as such, contribute to collecting intermediary design knowledge for designing game-based metacognitive training.

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    Designing Game-Based Learning for Training Metacognition

    How do learners understand, monitor, and regulate their own learning? A question of metacognition. Improving metacognitive knowledge and skills contributes too learning effectiveness and effiency. The goal of this PhD project is to study in what ways metacognitive training can be supported and facilitated trhough game-based learning.


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