
Curious Minds Muziekeducatie: werkboek voor leerkrachten in de middenbouw van het basisonderwijs

muzikale creativiteit in de klas


The work book 'Curious Minds Muziekeducatie' is aimed at Dutch primary school teachers. The book is used by teachers who participate in a coaching trajectory based on Video Interaction Coaching. The trajectory is part of PhD research into the effects of coaching teachers in music lessons aimed at creativity development in primary school students.
Children love to explore in music settings and by nature have curious minds. Via video coaching, school teachers can further develop their pedagogical and didactical skills to enhance the creative music talent of their students. They can learn to observe and recognise the talented behaviour their students show in music lessons and learn to respond to it appropriately. Furthermore they can learn to elicit these special and teacheable moments. These moments can be described as moments in which the interaction between the teacher and the students is on an optimal level and students are involved in the situated construction of musical knowledge and insight.
The coaching is part of PhD research within the department of Developmental Psychology of University of Groningen, and of the research programme of the research group Art Education of Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen
. The research is also linked to the Curious Minds research programme of the School of Education of Hanze University of Applied Sciences.

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