
Brokerage in SME networks


This study focuses on SME networks of design and high-tech companies in
Southeast Netherland. By highlighting the personal networks of members across
design and high-tech industries, the study attempts to identify the main brokers in
this dynamic environment. In addition, we investigate whether specific
characteristics are associated with these brokers. The main contribution of the
paper lies in the fact that, in contrast to most other work, it is quantitative and that
it focuses on brokers identified in an actual network (based on both suppliers and
users of the knowledge infrastructure). Studying the phenomenon of brokerage
provides us with clear insights into the concept of brokerage regarding SME
networks in different fields. In particular we highlight how third parties contribute
to the transfer and development of knowledge. Empirical results show, among
others that the most influential brokers are found in the nonprofit and science
sector and have a long track record in their branch.

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