
break-out-sessie #2 Zo organiseer je vanuit collectiviteit ruimte voor werk

Samen ruimte maken voor werk: Verkennend onderzoek naar de sleutelrol van ondernemerscollectieven in gebiedsontwikkeling


The research focuses on the key role played by ‘collectives of makers’ from SMEs in urban transformations. Case studies are central. At a time when space in the city is becoming increasingly scarce, the pressure on space for work is increasing. Entrepreneurs of 6 best practices secure space for work by operating as a collective. By securing their (affordable) space for work, collective can yield added value for area development in urban environments.
If applied to into a social investment businessmodel, entrepreneurs could
1. more clearly legitimise the position and relevance of SMEs in the city
2. make unprofitable end affordable (to be shared among the benefit-holders)
3. Offer SME collectives a permanent role in area development
4. Make better use of real estate, facilities and infrastructures (densify/stack/cluster)
5. Promote urban-mining and last mile of circular chains back to the city.

We describe three specific preconditions that contribute to scaling up entrepreneurial collectives: 1) measuring their impact at building, area and city level, 2) embracing new forms of collaboration and 3) developing a long-term vision of workspace in the city. The perspective of the entrepreneur is central. But there is also a focus on the role of government, the necessary policy support and the tools to enable upscaling.

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