Ghanaian farmers suffer from a decline in cocoa production partly due to damages and diseases from insect pests. To increase predation by bats on insects on the cocoa plantations we installed two different types of bat boxes on 15 plantations around the village of Buoyem. Bat activity, bat species composition (numbers of insectivorous and frugivorous bats) and insect abundance were measured before and after bat box installation. Insectivorous bats were present on all ofthe sampled plantations, namelyleaf-nosed bats (Hipposideros sp.), slit-faced bats (Nycteridae sp.), horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus sp.) and vesper bats (Vespertilionidae sp.). Furthermore, no correlation between insect abundance and bat activity could be detected. The bat boxes were not occupied yet during the research period since rainy season started in the second half of the measurements and bat activity decreases with increasing precipitation which is supported by our Un dings. Additionally, the available time period between in stallation and measuring of the effects of the boxes was very short when compared to similar researches. Bats alsohave different preferences per species for size and shape of bat boxes and the number of naturally available roosting sites also influences bat box occupancy. Our results suggest that bats are abundant above cocoa plantations in Buoyem and therefore bat boxes have the potential to be ahelpful tool in insect pest control.
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