
Axiomatic product design in three stages

A constituent roadmap that visualises the status of the design process by tracking the knowledge of the designer


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Increasing global competition in manufacturing technology
puts pressure on lead times for product design and production
engineering. By the application of effective methods for
systems engineering (engineering design), the development
risks can be addressed in a structured manner to minimise
chances of delay and guarantee timely market introduction.
Concurrent design has proven to be effective in markets for
high tech systems; the product and its manufacturing means are
simultaneously developed starting at the product definition.
Unfortunately, not many systems engineering methodologies do
support development well in the early stage of the project
where proof of concept is still under investigation. The number
of practically applicable tools in this stage is even worse.
Industry could use a systems engineering method that combines
a structured risk approach, concurrent development, and
especially enables application in the early stage of product and
equipment design. The belief is that Axiomatic Design can
provide with a solid foundation for this need. This paper
proposes a ‘Constituent Roadmap of Product Design’, based on
the axiomatic design methodology. It offers easy access to a
broad range of users, experienced and inexperienced. First, it
has the ability to evaluate if knowledge application to a design
is relevant and complete. Secondly, it offers more detail within
the satisfaction interval of the independence axiom. The
constituent roadmap is based on recent work that discloses an
analysis on information in axiomatic design. The analysis
enables better differentiation on project progression in the
conceptual stage of design. The constituent roadmap integrates
axiomatic design and the methods that harmonise with it.
Hence, it does not jeopardise the effectiveness of the
methodology. An important feature is the check matrix, a low
threshold interface that unlocks the methodology to a larger
(Source - PDF presented at ASME IMECE (International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition

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