
Adult respiratory distress syndrome or congestive heart failure in severe burn

a role for brain natriuretic peptide


In patients with extensive burns several causes may underliehypoxic respiratory failure and bilateral infiltrates on the chestX-ray in the first week afterburn: cardiogenic pulmonaryedema as a result of congestive heart failure, pneumonia and/or adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). In particular, itis a challenge to differentiate between ARDS and cardiogenicpulmonary edema in these patients because on the one handthe incidence of ARDS in burn shock appears higher thananticipated, whereas on the other hand there is an increasedrisk for cardiogenic pulmonary edema to develop as intensivefluid resuscitation is mandatory, while myocardial function isdepressed as noted by Baxter et al.[1]. Since these twodiagnoses have very different treatment options, it is impor-tant to be able to differentiate between them as soon as

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