
Abstract submission from U!REKA

the research-teaching nexus within Dutch new and old universities: an analysis of job openings


Higher education institutions are more and more attempting to connect research to teaching. One way of enhancing this connection is within the work of academics. Currently it is unknown if research and teaching are connected in the work of academics and if this relationship differs between new and old universities. Due to the fading boundaries between new and old universities within binary educational systems, comparing both settings becomes relevant. This research considers the relation between research and teaching in the work of academics by analysing tasks and competencies within job openings of new (N=126) and old (N=246) universities within the Netherlands. Data reduction was done in Atlas.ti8 using coding schemes. Hereafter, a quantitative analysis was applied, containing a descriptive and a correlation analysis. The findings show a negative relation between teaching and research-related tasks and competencies in job openings of new universities, while this relationship is sometimes positive, and sometimes negative in job openings of old universities. These findings yield a discussion about the professional profiles of teachers and researchers appropriate to enhance the connection between teaching and research within new and old universities.

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