The knowledge-based economy, advances in information and communication technologies as well as new pedagogical perspectives all influence the needs to improve the population skills and competencies in the 21st century. Emerging technologies bring opportunities to reconsider teaching and learning in higher education. Innovative educational ideas and concepts transform the roles of teacher educators and their students. To accomplish the new roles, teacher educators need to learn to work with a new set of information and communications skills and knowledge. In other words, adequate technology training is a prerequisite for the 21st century teacher educator to develop prospective teachers who are able to use new technologies so as to support and improve their own students' achievement gains. In order to deal with the new challenges, teacher education institutions are designing, developing and facilitating teacher educators' technology professional development programs. However, the majority of these efforts fail, since they are for most part based on a formal, institutional delivery of instrumental knowledge and skills. Adequate technology training is a major factor that can help teacher educators to integrate emerging technologies into the curriculum, which is in turn, beneficial to their students. The technology learning preferences instrument designed, implemented and evaluated in this research is intended to make a link between teacher educators' technology learning needs in the workplace and the way in which professional development programs should be designed, developed and evaluated.
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