David Crombie

David Crombie


David has been involved in European research and innovation projects since FP4 with a focus on human-centered strategic design issues and crossover innovation trajectories. Based in HKU University of the Arts Utrecht, in 2011 he authored a pan European study on the Entrepreneurial Dimension of the Cultural and Creative Industries for EACEA and this informed the policy discussions for the H2020 programme for supporting the creative industry sector. He is currently working on policy positions and research on open innovation and collective intelligence design. Among others, he participates in the European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA) Advocacy Board and Working groups, the OECD working group on Critical Thinking & Creativity, the ERRIN WG Design & Creativity, the COST Action EFAP on advanced Practices and has a keen interest in Anticipatory Innovation Governance and Collective Intelligence Design. David coordinates the new ERASMUS+ Blueprint for Skills project (CYANOTYPES) for the Cultural & Creative Industries.




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