Background: Hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA) are highly prevalent worldwide. The guidelines recommend physical activity and education as the core treatments for osteoarthritis. Digital health has the potential to engage people in physical activity and disease management. Therefore, we conducted a pilot trial to assess the usability and preliminary effectiveness of an app-based physical activity and education program (Join2Move) compared to usual care for people with hip and/or knee OA in Germany. Methods: A randomized controlled pilot study was conducted. Individuals with diagnosed or self-reported knee and hip OA were included. Allocation to the intervention or control group was randomized. The intervention group received the Join2Move program. The Join2Move program was previously developed as a website and evaluated in the Netherlands. For the current study, the program was translated and adapted to the German context and adjusted from a website to an app. The control group received usual care. The primary outcomes were usability and preliminary effectiveness (pain and physical functioning). Measurements were taken at baseline and at twelve weeks. The data analysis was performed using SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics 29.0). Results: Sixty participants, with a mean age of 61.9 (SD ± 7.2) years, were allocated to the intervention (n = 32) or the control group (n = 28) and included in the analysis. The majority of participants had knee OA (68%), and 12% had hip and knee OA. The dropout rate was n = 11 (18%). No adverse events were reported. Usability was rated as acceptable (mean System Usability Scale = 71.3/100) with a wide range (32.5 to 100). Statistically significant between-group differences were found only for pain (mean difference 8.52 (95% CI 1.01 to 16.04), p = 0.027). Conclusions: Join2Move demonstrated acceptable usability. The preliminary results of the pilot trial indicate the potential of a stand-alone app for the treatment of patients with hip or knee OA. However, the acceptable usability of Join2Move limits its recommendation for everyone. There appears to be room for improvement in app usability and in identifying patients for whom the app is suitable and the right time to use a stand-alone app.
Background: Hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA) are highly prevalent worldwide. The guidelines recommend physical activity and education as the core treatments for osteoarthritis. Digital health has the potential to engage people in physical activity and disease management. Therefore, we conducted a pilot trial to assess the usability and preliminary effectiveness of an app-based physical activity and education program (Join2Move) compared to usual care for people with hip and/or knee OA in Germany. Methods: A randomized controlled pilot study was conducted. Individuals with diagnosed or self-reported knee and hip OA were included. Allocation to the intervention or control group was randomized. The intervention group received the Join2Move program. The Join2Move program was previously developed as a website and evaluated in the Netherlands. For the current study, the program was translated and adapted to the German context and adjusted from a website to an app. The control group received usual care. The primary outcomes were usability and preliminary effectiveness (pain and physical functioning). Measurements were taken at baseline and at twelve weeks. The data analysis was performed using SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics 29.0). Results: Sixty participants, with a mean age of 61.9 (SD ± 7.2) years, were allocated to the intervention (n = 32) or the control group (n = 28) and included in the analysis. The majority of participants had knee OA (68%), and 12% had hip and knee OA. The dropout rate was n = 11 (18%). No adverse events were reported. Usability was rated as acceptable (mean System Usability Scale = 71.3/100) with a wide range (32.5 to 100). Statistically significant between-group differences were found only for pain (mean difference 8.52 (95% CI 1.01 to 16.04), p = 0.027). Conclusions: Join2Move demonstrated acceptable usability. The preliminary results of the pilot trial indicate the potential of a stand-alone app for the treatment of patients with hip or knee OA. However, the acceptable usability of Join2Move limits its recommendation for everyone. There appears to be room for improvement in app usability and in identifying patients for whom the app is suitable and the right time to use a stand-alone app.
Psychologists, psycholinguists, and other researchers using language stimuli have been struggling for more than 30 years with the problem of how to analyze experimental data that contain two crossed random effects (items and participants). The classical analysis of variance does not apply; alternatives have been proposed but have failed to catch on, and a statistically unsatisfactory procedure of using two approximations (known as F 1 and F 2) has become the standard. A simple and elegant solution using mixed model analysis has been available for 15 years, and recent improvements in statistical software have made mixed models analysis widely available. The aim of this article is to increase the use of mixed models by giving a concise practical introduction and by giving clear directions for undertaking the analysis in the most popular statistical packages. The article also introduces the djmixed add-on package for SPSS, which makes entering the models and reporting their results as straightforward as possible.
Diverse partijen, zowel marktpartijen als kennisinstellingen, gaan in 2020 samenwerken in een pilot om te toetsen in hoeverre zij de plant kardoen (familie van de artisjok distel) in haar volle potentieel kunnen gebruiken voor diverse commerciële doeleinden, zoals bloemen, voedsel, composiet en een lamp. Er wordt in deze pilot onderzoek gedaan naar: - Gebruik van reststromen als bodemverbeteraar - Teelt van kardoen - Verwerking van kardoen
In dit promotieonderzoek worden kenmerken uit het delictverleden van een cohort reclasseringscliënten beschreven en onderscheid gemaakt in verschillende dadergroepen. Vervolgens wordt gekeken in hoeverre de kenmerken van de werkalliantie verschillen tussen deze dadergroepen.Doel Doel van dit onderzoek is het vergroten van kennis over verschillen tussen reclasseringscliënten in delictachtergrond en kwaliteit van de werkalliantie. Deze kennis draagt bij aan het herkennen en onderscheiden van typen cliënten om het professioneel handelen met deze doelgroep te verbeteren. Resultaten De resultaten van dit promotieonderzoek worden gepubliceerd in vijf internationale wetenschappelijke artikelen. Daarnaast worden tussentijdse resultaten gepresenteerd op congressen en in de praktijk. Looptijd 01 oktober 2017 - 01 april 2022 Aanpak Voor dit promotieonderzoek zijn gegevens verzameld uit systemen van de drie reclasseringsorganisaties en het Openbaar Ministerie. Na koppeling van deze gegevens worden kwantitatieve analyses uitgevoerd in het statistiekprogramma SPSS.
In dit promotieonderzoek worden kenmerken uit het delictverleden van een cohort reclasseringscliënten beschreven en onderscheid gemaakt in verschillende dadergroepen. Vervolgens wordt gekeken in hoeverre de kenmerken van de werkalliantie verschillen tussen deze dadergroepen.Doel Doel van dit onderzoek is het vergroten van kennis over verschillen tussen reclasseringscliënten in delictachtergrond en kwaliteit van de werkalliantie. Deze kennis draagt bij aan het herkennen en onderscheiden van typen cliënten om het professioneel handelen met deze doelgroep te verbeteren. Resultaten De resultaten van dit promotieonderzoek worden gepubliceerd in vijf internationale wetenschappelijke artikelen. Daarnaast worden tussentijdse resultaten gepresenteerd op congressen en in de praktijk. Looptijd 01 oktober 2017 - 01 april 2022 Aanpak Voor dit promotieonderzoek zijn gegevens verzameld uit systemen van de drie reclasseringsorganisaties en het Openbaar Ministerie. Na koppeling van deze gegevens worden kwantitatieve analyses uitgevoerd in het statistiekprogramma SPSS.