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Background: Nutrition and nutritional care are essential for optimal outcomes, and, therefore of importance for patients with chronic limb threatening ischemia (CLTI) given their high risk of complications. However, insight is lacking in how healthcare professionals directly involved in the care of patients with CLTI perceive nutritional care, as well as in the perceived barriers and facilitators regarding optimal nutritional care. Methods: In this qualitative study with a phenomenological approach, 3 online focus groups were conducted with various healthcare professionals directly involved in the care of patients with CLTI. Sample size was guided by information power. Focus group recordings were transcribed verbatim, and reflexive thematic analysis was performed. Results: Seventeen healthcare professionals participated, including vascular surgeons, fellows in vascular surgery, a medical doctor and researcher, nurse specialized in wound care, general nurse, physical therapists, dietitians, and nutrition assistants. Four themes were generated: (1) nutritional care is crucial for optimal clinical outcomes and a healthy life, (2) insufficient attention to undernutrition and nutritional care by healthcare professionals, (3) patient-related factors challenge healthcare professionals in providing nutritional care, and (4) need for optimizing the organizational process related to nutritional care. Perceived barriers regarding nutritional care included knowledge deficits, nutritional care not being part of the healthcare professionals’ routine, missing tools to identify undernutrition, patient-related factors, and time constraints. Facilitators regarding nutritional care included more scientific evidence regarding the effect of nutritional care on clinical outcomes and optimization of organizational processes related to nutritional care. Conclusions: Healthcare professionals perceive nutritional care as important for optimal outcomes, but nutritional care is not routinely implemented in the care of patients with CLTI. This lack of implementation of nutritional care may be due to the barriers perceived in various domains. The findings of this study stress the need to optimize nutritional care, with the aim of improving outcomes in the CLTI population.
"Few studies have focused on the case of Chernobyl as a dark tourism site.The conceptualization of dark tourism still needs to be broadened and is nowadaysshifting towards a focus on the experience rather than the sites. This chapter investi-gates the emotions elicited by the Chernobyl tourist experience by studying Chernobylvisitors’ internet publications (blogs). Data were collected from popular travel blogsites, which include online posts about Chernobyl and its visitors’ emotions. Five emo-tions were deduced from the blogs, including surprise/amazement, awe, fear/appre-hension, interest/anticipation, and disgust. Additionally, this chapter also shows thatboth tangible and intangible attributes of the experience could trigger these emotions.The study offers implications for enhancing tourists’ experience at Chernobyl whichcould be adopted for other dark destinations"
This article presents a novel and highly interactive process to generate natural language narratives based on our ongoing work on semiotic relations, providing four criteria for composing new narratives from existing stories. The wide applicability of this semiotic reconstruction process is suggested by a reputed literary scholar's deconstructive claim that new narratives can often be shown to be a tissue of previous narratives. Along, respectively, three semiotic axes – syntagmatic, paradigmatic, and meronymic – existing stories can yield new stories by the combination, imitation, or expansion of an iconic scene; lastly, a new story may emerge through reversal via an antithetic consideration, i.e., through the adoption of opposite values. Targeting casual users, we present a fully operational prototype with a simple and user-friendly interface that incorporates an AI agent, namely ChatGPT. The prototype, in a coauthor capacity, generates context-compatible sequences of events in storyboard format using backward-chaining abductive reasoning (employing Stable Diffusion to draw scene illustrations), conforming as much as possible to the user's authorial instructions. The extensive repertoire of book and movie summaries available to the AI agent obviates the need to manually supply laborious and error-prone context specifications. A user study was conducted to evaluate user experience and satisfaction with the generated narratives. The preliminary findings suggest that our approach has the potential to enhance story quality while offering a positive user experience.
Erasmus project about training cultural workers for facilitating rural youths culture
MUSE supports the CIVITAS Community to increase its impact on urban mobility policy making and advance it to a higher level of knowledge, exchange, and sustainability.As the current Coordination and Support Action for the CIVITAS Initiative, MUSE primarily engages in support activities to boost the impact of CIVITAS Community activities on sustainable urban mobility policy. Its main objectives are to:- Act as a destination for knowledge developed by the CIVITAS Community over the past twenty years.- Expand and strengthen relationships between cities and stakeholders at all levels.- Support the enrichment of the wider urban mobility community by providing learning opportunities.Through these goals, the CIVITAS Initiative strives to support the mobility and transport goals of the European Commission, and in turn those in the European Green Deal.Breda University of Applied Sciences is the task leader of Task 7.3: Exploitation of the Mobility Educational Network and Task 7.4: Mobility Powered by Youth Facilitation.
In tijden van toenemende culturele diversiteit en arbeidsonzekerheid hebben jongeren in Nederlandse en Duitse stadswijken grote behoefte aan richting met betrekking tot hun toekomstige leven. Ouders en leraren lijken zelf vaak te worden overweldigd door de snel veranderende wereld waarin ze leven. Naast deze veranderingen neemt het gebruik van sociale media sterk toe, waardoor de al bestaande generatiekloof nog groter wordt. Deze ontwikkelingen hebben grote gevolgen voor de levensloopperspectieven van jongeren en leiden er vaak toe dat ze meer dan ooit richting zoeken bij hun leeftijdgenoten. In plaats van dit te zien als een problematische situatie, is dit project erop gericht de netwerken van jongeren te gebruiken als bron voor verbetering van de stadswijken. Het basisidee is jonge adolescenten (in de leeftijd van 12-14 jaar) te empoweren via bepaalde leeftijdgenoten die al gerespecteerd, verantwoordelijk en stabiel in het leven staan. Deze ‘homies’ (vier Nederlandse en vier Duitse jongeren) worden getraind en begeleid door experts op het gebied van oplossingsgericht denken en inspirerende communicatie. Daarna gaan de homies aan de slag in hun eigen wijk, waar ze drie maanden actief zullen zijn. De meeste communicatie met hun leeftijdgenoten zal verlopen via mobiele communicatie en sociale medianetwerken. In het begeleidende onderzoek wordt een analyse gemaakt van de leefsituatie van jongeren in de geselecteerde wijken voor en na de tussenkomst van de homies. De homies houden zelf een (mobiel) dagboek bij dat inzicht zal bieden in hoe zij zelf de veranderingen bij de jongeren in hun wijk zien.