
More Science than Fiction: growing spare parts ex vivo


Implanting biocompatible materials is nothing new, 3D printing of cells and extracellular matrix is well underway so growing replacement tissues in a lab is within reach. However, certain obstacles remain: How to culture functional tissues with robust and reproducible 3D architecture? Application of support structures can aid, but what if such scaffolds obstruct functionality of the graft while having limited chance of being degraded within the recipient’s body?
Bioplastics are polymers of natural origin that can be degraded enzymatically. We want to use bioplastics for production of 3D printed mesh scaffolds that support cell adhesion, proliferation, differentiation, and maturation (Fig. 1). These scaffolds are designed to be temporal and sacrificial: enzymes will be used to remove the scaffold in a tissue friendly manner prior to implantation allowing tailor made, functional and ideally ‘self-only’ grafts.



    Hanze Impact Podcast

    Veel van de grondstoffen die we gebruiken voor de miljoenen producten die we produceren zijn niet duurzaam. Ze zijn eindig, fossiel en zeer vervuilend. Daarom zijn er nieuwe duurzame alternatieven nodig die we dagelijks kunnen inzetten bij de productie én na gebruik kunnen terugbrengen in een kringloop van grondstoffen. Hoe kan de Hanzehogeschool er met praktijkgericht onderzoek voor zorgen dat we deze circulaire keten opbouwen?



    Insight into polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production from xylose and extracellular PHA degradation by a thermophilic Schlegelella thermodepolymerans

    Accumulation of non-degradable plastic waste in the environment might be prevented by the use of biodegradable polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA). In this study, the thermophile Schlegelella thermodepolymerans produced up to 80 wt% PHA based on dry cell mass. The largest PHA granules were found in the cells within 48 h using 20 g/L xylose, a C/N ratio of 100, an initial pH of 7, at 50 °C. The substrate consumption, pH changes, and cell growth were monitored, revealing the time dependency of PHA production in S. thermodepolymerans. The metabolic pathways from xylose to PHA were identified based on proteomic analysis, revealing involvement of classic phaCAB, de novo fatty acid biosynthesis, and fatty acid β-oxidation. In addition, it was shown that S. thermodepolymerans degraded extracellular PHA with a high efficiency at 50 °C.







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