The specific objective of HyScaling is to achieve a 25-30% cost reduction for levelized cost of hydrogen. This cost reduction will be achieved in 2030 when the HyScaling innovations have been fully implemented. HyScaling develops novel hardware (such as stacks & cell components), low-cost manufacturing processes, optimized integrated system designs and advanced operating and control strategies. In addition to the goal of accelerating implementation of hydrogen to decarbonize energy-intensive industry, HyScaling is built around industrial partners who are aiming to build a business on the HyScaling innovations. These include novel components for electrolysers (from catalysts to membranes, from electrode architectures to novel coatings) as well as electrolyser stacks and systems for different applications. For some innovations (e.g. a coating from IonBond, an electrode design from Veco) the consortium aims at starting commercialisation before the end of the program. A unique characteristic of the HyScaling program is the orientation on Use Cases. In addition to partners representing the Dutch manufacturing industry, end-users and technology providers are partner in the consortium. This enables the consortium to develop the electrolyser technology specifically for different applications. In order to be able to come to an assessment of the market for electrolysers and components, the use cases also include decentralized energy systems.
Projectpartners:Nouryon, Tejin, Danieli Corus, VDL, Hauzer, VECO, lonbond, Fluor, Frames, Magneto, VONK, Borit, Delft IMP, ZEF, MTSA, SALD, Dotx control, Hydron Energy, MX, Polymers, VSL, Fraunhofer IPT, TNO, TU Delft, TU Eindhoven, ISPT, FMC.
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