When engaging in social interaction, people rely on their ability to
reason about unobservable mental content of others, which includes
goals, intentions, and beliefs. This so-called theory of mind ability
allows them to more easily understand, predict, and influence the
behavior of others. People even use their theory of mind to reason about
the theory of mind of others, which allows them to understand sentences
like Alice believes that Bob does not know about the surprise party'.
But while the use of higher orders of theory of mind is apparent in many
social interactions, empirical evidence so far suggests that people do
not use this ability spontaneously when playing strategic games, even
when doing so would be highly beneficial. In this paper, we attempt to
encourage participants to engage in higher-order theory of mind
reasoning by letting them play a game against computational agents.
Since previous research suggests that competitive games may encourage
the use of theory of mind, we investigate a particular competitive game,
the Mod game, which can be seen as a much larger variant of the
well-known rock-paper-scissors game. By using a combination of
computational agents and Bayesian model selection, we simultaneously
determine to what extent people make use of higher-order theory of mind
reasoning, as well as to what extent computational agents can encourage
the use of higher-order theory of mind in their human opponents. Our
results show that participants who play the Mod game against
computational theory of mind agents adjust their level of theory of mind
reasoning to that of their computer opponent. Earlier experiments with
other strategic games show that participants only engage in low orders
of theory of mind reasoning. Surprisingly, we find that participants who
knowingly play against second- and third-order theory of mind agents
apply up to fourth-order theory of mind themselves, and achieve higher
scores as a result.
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