
The influence of partners on successful lifestyle modification in patients with coronary artery disease


Background: Marital status is associated with prognosis in patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD).However, the influence of partners on successful modification of lifestyle-related risk factors (LRFs) in secondaryCVD prevention is unclear. Therefore, we studied the association between the presence of a partner,partner participation in lifestyle interventions and LRF modification in patients with coronary arterydisease (CAD).
Methods: In a secondary analysis of the RESPONSE-2 trial (n=711),which compared nurse-coordinated referralto community-based lifestyle programs (smoking cessation, weight reduction and/or physical activity) to usualcare in patients with CAD, we investigated the association between the presence of a partner and the level ofpartner participation on improvement in >1 LRF (urinary cotinine <200 ng/l, ≥5% weight reduction, ≥10% increased6-min walking distance) without deterioration in other LRFs at 12 months follow-up.
Results: The proportion of patients with a partner was 80% (571/711); 19% women (108/571). In the interventiongroup, 48% (141/293) had a participating partner in ≥1 lifestyle program. Overall, the presence of apartner was associated with patients' successful LRF modification (adjusted risk ratio (aRR) 1.93, 95% confidenceinterval (CI) 1.40–2.51). A participating partner was associated with successful weight reduction(aRR 1.73, 95% CI 1.15–2.35).
Conclusion: The presence of a partner is associated with LRF improvement in patients with CAD. Moreover, patientswithpartners participating in lifestyle programs aremore successful in reducingweight. Involving partnersof CAD patients in weight reduction interventions should be considered in routine practice.



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