
The EARScorecard - An Instrument to Assess the Effectiveness of the EA Realization Process


To add value to the organization, an Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) function should be able to realize its goals in line with the corporate strategy. In this paper *, we propose the Enterprise Architecture Realization Scorecard (EARS) and an accompanying method to discover the strengths and weaknesses in the realization process of an EAM function. During an assessment, representative EA goals are selected, and for each goal, the results, delivered during the different stages of the realization process, are identified, examined and scored. The outcome of an assessment is a numerical EARScorecard, supplemented with a description of the strengths and weaknesses of the EA realization process, and recommendations. To evaluate and improve the assessment instrument, the EARScorecard was used in various organizations. An assessment case is discussed in depth to illustrate the use of the instrument.



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