
The Complexity of Mapping Customer Needs... (and the Myth of a Unanimous Customer)


From the article: "Axiomatic Design and Complexity Theory as described by Suh focus heavily on the coupling often
found in functional requirements. This is so fundamental to the analysis of the design that it is the core of the
Axiom of Independence which examines the coupling between functional requirements due to chosen design
parameters. That said, the mapping between customer needs and functional requirements is often overlooked.
In this paper we consider coupling, found due to this mapping, as a possible source of complexity in terms of a
user interface to a designed product. We also re-examine the methodology of how customer needs are generated
and translated into the other domains to understand how they can give further insight into the customer mindset.
Based on this analysis, we believe customer domain complexity should always be examined in design that
includes end-user interaction."





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