
Sustainable medicines use in clinical practice—It is time to help the teacher

Letter To The Editor


We read the invited review on sustainable medicines use in clinicalpractice by Adeyeye et al.1and would like to congratulate the authorswith the captivating way in which they used scientific facts combinedwith very practical solutions to convey their call to action. This call isprimarily addressed to the NHS, which the authors suspect will reso-nate with other health systems. While we fully agree with necessityof this top-down approach, we additionally believe that there is muchto be gained by making future prescribers more knowledgeable andaware about the impact they have on planetary health. The articleremains very brief about next generation of healthcare professionalsby quoting the General Medical Council's statement that“newly quali-fied doctors must be able to apply the principles, methods and knowl-edge of population health and the improvement of health andsustainable healthcare to medical practice.”2However, the underlyingquestion—how we effectively train future healthcare professionals inthese attitudes underpinned by knowledge—is not addressed...........



