
Learning effects of Fontys integrated product development projects


An investigation in the learning effects of integrated development projects. In two subsequent semesters the students were asked how they rated their competencies at the start of the project as well as at the end of it. The students voluntarily filled out a questionnaire. After the last questionnaire a number of students were also interviewed in order to learn more about their perceptions. It was a remarkable outcome of these interviews that a lot of students tended to give themselves lower ratings in the end if they met any difficulties in for instance communication or co-operation during the project. Then the questionnaire showed a decrease in the student's ratings, while anyone else would say the student did learn something after recognizing these difficulties. It required a different interpretation of the outcomes of the questionnaires. The investigation showed that co-operating in general and in multidisciplinary teams in particular, co-operating with companies and also working according to plans are the four objectives that are recognized mostly by the students. The factors that actually contribute to, or block, the learning effects remained unknown yet.



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