
How Faculty in The Hague University of Applied Sciences Uses the Scoring Rubric for Information Literacy

First European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL), Istanbul Turkey, 22-25 october 2013


The aim of this research was to gain evidence based arguments for the use of the scoring rubric for performance assessment of information literacy [1] in Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences. Faculty members from four different departments of The Hague University were interviewed on the ways in which they use the scoring rubric and their arguments for it. A fifth lecturer answered the main question by email. The topic list, which has been used as a guide for the interviews, was based on subject analysis of scholar literature on rubric use. Four of the five respondents used (parts of) the rubric for the measurement of students’ performances in information use but none of them used the rubric as it is. What the faculty staff told the researcher is that the rubric helped them to improve the grading criteria for existing assignments. Only one respondent used the rubric itself, but this lecturer extended it with some new criteria on writing skills. It was also discovered that the rubric is not only used for grading but also for the development of new learning content on research skills.

[De hier gepubliceerde versie is het 'accepted paper' van het origineel dat is gepubliceerd op . De officiële publicatie kan worden gedownload op]



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