
Feasibility and outcomes of a goal-directed physical therapy program for patients with metastatic breast cancer


PURPOSE: To evaluate the feasibility and outcomes of a tailored, goal-directed, and exercise-based physical therapy program for patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC).

METHODS: This was an observational, uncontrolled feasibility study. The physical therapy intervention was highly tailored to the individual patient's goals, abilities, and preferences and could include functional, strength, aerobic, and relaxation exercises. Feasibility outcomes were participation rate (expected: 25%), safety, and adherence (percentage of attended sessions relative to scheduled sessions). Additional outcomes were goal attainment, self-reported physical functioning, fatigue, health-related quality of life, and patient and physical therapist satisfaction with the program.

RESULTS: Fifty-five patients (estimated participation rate: 34%) were enrolled. Three patients did not start the intervention due to early disease progression. An additional 22 patients discontinued the program prematurely, mainly due to disease progression. Median intervention adherence was 90% and no major intervention-related adverse events occurred. A goal attainment score was available for 42 patients (of whom 29 had completed the program and 13 had prematurely dropped out). Twenty-two (52%) of these patients achieved their main goal fully or largely and an additional 15 patients (36%) partially. Eighty-five percent would "definitely recommend" the program to other patients with MBC. We observed a modest improvement in patient satisfaction with physical activities (Cohen's dz 0.33).

CONCLUSION: The tailored intervention program was feasible in terms of uptake, safety, and outcomes and was highly valued by patients and physical therapists. However, disease progression interfered with the program, leading to substantial dropout.




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