
Drainage System of Tegalsari Polder for Handling Flood and Tide in Tegal City Indonesia


Although in 2019 the local government of Tegal city Indonesia had constructed a retention basin at drainage system of Siwatu, Tegal Barat, Tegal city with a catchment area of 226 ha, the areas around the system still experienced flood and inundation. This study belonged to a descriptive qualitative research aimed to evaluate the performances of Siwatu drainage system and Tegalsari retention basin. Data of the study included field data and technical data from institutions. Based on the 15-year rainfall data (2014 – 2018) from Pemali - Comal PSDA Office, Central Java Province, Indonesia, the statistical parameters of Cs: 0.0027, Ck: 1.904, Sd: 15.91, Cv: 0.144 were obtained and so Gumbel method distribution was applied in the study, the return period rainfall of 10 years was 138 mm, the flood discharge for Qr.10 years was 9.63 m3/sec., the addition of long storage was 8×2,50×500 m, and the combination of pump addition was of 1 m3/sec. with the long storage of 8×2.00×500 m. By implementing one of the alternative choices, either flood or inundation could be resolved.



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