
Designing trajectories of experiences: in museums, around museums or including museums


Recently, museums have increasingly become parts of ecosystems of people and organizations in their functioning. As a consequence, museum experience designers are stimulated to think in a holistic way, about experiences of people that engage with networks including the museum, as well as about the role of individual museums within such ecosystems (Vermeeren et al in Museum experience design – crowds, ecosystems and novel technologies, 2018a). This raises the questions of: What are ways in which a museum experience relates to experiencing its embedding context? And, what does this imply for the process of designing the museum experiences? In two design case studies, four ideas for museum experiences have been developed based on different ways in which museums relate to their embedded network. The ideas illustrate how the focus of the design may be different depending on the role the museum plays in the overall experience, and how the design process is complicated by having to deal with a larger group of stakeholders when designing. Finally, all ideas came forth from taking a broader view of the potential museum target group than seeing them solely as visitors to the museum. This was seen as crucial for inspiring solutions to museum experiences beyond more traditional museum visiting experiences.

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    TRACES helps European museums identifying, developing and sharing know-how, competencies and skills required to develop and implement a digital strategy focused on audience development.In an increasingly dynamic digital consumer context, most cultural sectors are lagging behind when it comes to catering to significant shifts in the way people experience, interact or share content. European museums do not all yet fully use the digital technologies available to close this digital gap. TRACES will bring together these museums in need of capacity building about ‘going digital’. In three cross-border workshops, we transfer knowledge and educate museum professionals, together with experts and students, in the deployment of innovative digital technologies to communicate and engage with new or existing audiences. Participants will have hands-on experience on (a) how to develop a digital strategy, (b) create digital stories and (c) integrate innovative media technologies. This project will give museums the necessary insights into how to adjust to the digital shift and will initiate the adaptation of the study programmes to the current need of digitisation in the cultural industries.Partners:Thomas MoreMMEx




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